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Voici les dernières prévisions météo

Weather report
Forecasts for Veneto Region
Daily updated

Légende Météo
The map shows the weather forecast for the Veneto region. The top navigation bar allows you to select the time in 3 hour blocks. The lower navigation bar, on the other hand, displays the days of the week for the following 7 days. In selecting the day and time, the forecasted temperatures and the weather icons will automatically update on the map. Here follows an explanatory outline of the various possible meteorological conditions with relative day and night icons

jour nuit     jour nuit  
Ciel dégagé et très chaud Pluies faibles
Ciel dégagé Pluies modérées
Intervalles nuageux Neige
Nuages épars Pluies et neige
Intervalles nuageux avec pluies faible Averses orageuses
Ciel couvert Brouillard

DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk
The weather forecast information are supplied as they are and the supplier will not be responsible in any cases for any damage even just hypothetically linkable to the use of these information.
The access to these information is strictly reserved to a personal use, with the firmly prohibition to not use it for professional, operative, public or commercial aims without the clear authorisation of Inartis Systems srl.


Here you can find the date with the Saint celebrated on that day, the times for sunrise and sunset, the phases of the moon, and the current sign of the zodiac


What is the weather like?
Here you can see some information on the weather situation for Abano Terme. The current temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, the perceived temperature which is influenced by wind and humidity, the minimum and maximum temperatures forecast for the day, the probability and quantity of rain forecast for the day, and the visibility.


Metereological data supplied by
and elaborated by Inartis Systems srl

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